AQR International is hosting a blended MTQ Licensed User Training on the 8th of October 2024. The event will be held from 9:00 until 16:00 GMT. Before the live session, there will be 8 hours of videos, online quizzes and other interactive content to complete at your own pace. Pre-course material must be completed prior to the live session.
This programme is for individuals involved in organisational development, coaches, trainers, line managers and those with a keen interest in mental toughness that may be looking for a change into one of those professions.
On completion, delegates are provided with two MTQPlus measures to enable immediate practice, once these have been completed the delegate will receive their licensed user certificate from AQR. Once certified, delegates will be licensed to use and purchase all MTQ measures. The measures are very cost-effective, with a simple volume-related pricing structure.
This course will provide participants with the ability to:
If you are unable to attend the event, please email for alternative dates.