AQR International Blog
The latest Innovations in Improving PerformanceWhy We Need to Better Understand What We Mean by Strengths
Mental Toughness describes who you are and how you respond mentally to adversity, obstacles, challenges and opportunities. A mentally tough person is not necessarily mentally strong. A mentally sensitive person is not weak. These labels confuse and interfere with...
2002 saw the launch of the 4Cs Mental Toughness concept and the MTQ48 measure. In recent times this has been developed into a powerful 8-factor concept with a high-quality measure in the MTQPlus. We now have a very good and evidenced understanding of a personality...
Customisation – Why is this so important in development?
MTQPlus and the Mental Toughness Concept - Bringing another dimension to people and organisation development “We know WE are unique - but sometimes forget everyone else is too!” - Peter Clough “One size fits all solutions” do not work!! We know that, don’t we? An...
“Can You Develop Mental Toughness?”
You can but it's not always necessary to improve well-being and performance. So, what does that mean? This is probably the most common question we get asked. It is understandable up to a point. People often assume that if there is an important attribute then you...
Digging Deeper into What Makes People Tick – Addressing Complexity
MTQPlus and the Mental Toughness Concept - Bringing another dimension to people and organisation development. The mental toughness concept and the MTQPlus bring thought leadership and innovation to understanding how people (and teams) respond to events. Very well...
6 Reasons Why Resilience And Wellbeing Development Often Fails – & What You Can Do To Make This Work Prefer to read this article? Click here. Headoffice · Reasons Why Resilience And Wellbeing Development Often Fails