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Primary Education

Research findings have revealed significant relationships between mental toughness and various aspects of young people’s school experiences; namely attainment, attendance, behaviour and peer relationships.

  • Performance– explaining up to 25% of the variation in performance in individuals. MT pupils work more purposefully and show greater commitment.
  • Wellbeing– more contented.  The mentally tough show better stress management, willingness to participate, better attendance, are less likely to develop mental health issues, sleep better and are less prone to bullying. They can take stressors in their stride.
  • Positive Behaviour– more engaged. The mentally tough are more positive, more “can do”, respond positively to change, adversity and have better attendance.
  • Openness to Learning– The mentally tough are more ambitious, prepared to manage more risk – seeing opportunity for learning everywhere.
  • Transition–Those with higher levels of mental toughness deal better with new settings, (switching from Junior to Secondary school), new teachers and classmates, etc.

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