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16 Personality Types

ISTJ Summary

Quite serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter of fact, realistic and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work towards it steadily, regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organised – their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ISTJs Lead

May be unlikely to nominate themselves for leadership roles but are often chosen by others to lead due to their reputation for being reliable and consistent performers. When in leadership roles ISTJs lead by bringing order and efficiency to the workplace whether that be in meetings, tasks or group projects.

How ISTJs Influence

ISTJs will attempt to influence others by backing up their arguments with specific, concrete and factual information.

How ISTJs Work with Others

Will ideally prefer to work on their own. However if in a team ISTJs will work best if each member of the team has their own tasks and complete their tasks on time. Will disclose little about themselves to others. Will dislike dealing with personal issues which get in the way of the task.

How ISTJs Communicate with Others

Will often communicate in a clear,straightforward manner. They will take a no-nonsense approach, and will break down complicated information. Will provide criticism when necessary.


ISTJ Development Areas

• May rely too heavily on logic and judge people based on how they present themselves.
• May lose reason under vast amounts of stress and act upon these emotions.
• Can be quite reserved and may fail to understand the emotional signals of others.
• May at times be pessimistic or over think something when faced with a task which is particularly challenging.
• Team members may feel that ISTJ’s focus too much on the current task, overlooking longer terms issues.

ISTJ Development Suggestions

• Rather than thinking of their career on a ‘per-project’ or short term basis, ISTJ’s could try making 5 or 10 year goals for themselves. This could be in their current role or something else they wish to eventually do. They should try and think of these goals in terms of what is truly important instead of what is simply logical or makes sense.
• They could benefit from widening their network starting firstly with close friends while establishing some personal connections with colleagues. Widening their network will help increase their employment opportunities.
• Should try and change the way they do things by experimenting. There is often better ways of doing something than using traditional methods.
• Should try articulating their views more when in a group situation while also considering how others may feel.

ISFJ Summary

Quiet, friendly, responsible and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, painstaking and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember details about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ISFJs Lead

ISFJs are unlikely to seek out leadership roles but will be willing to accept one. Will lead by giving others tasks which suit them best. Will allow others to work in their preferred style.

How ISFJs Influence

ISFJs will attempt to influence others by ensuring the information they have is accurate.

How ISFJs Work with Others

ISFJs would make an effective member of many teams due to their reliable and consistent manner. Will expect others to contribute to the group. Will aim to create a harmonious team environment.

How ISFJs Communicate with Others

Will prefer their communication to be on a one to one basis and are often described as good listeners. Will be interested in hearing positive feedback.


ISFJ Development Areas

• ISFJs are quiet; this means they can come across as standoffish or unapproachable, though this is far from true.
• Hard working and seen as dependable but risk being taken for granted by others.
• They understand the emotions of others, yet they often bottle up rather than express their own.
• They can find it difficult dealing with a situation that involves confrontation or challenging others.
• Unlikely to deal well with change and may face difficulty when asked to change a decision they have made.

ISFJ Development Suggestions

• Should try to focus on their own wellbeing rather than just the well being of others around them.
• Should define goals in terms of their personal wants and needs in life, rather than thinking of others in relation to themselves.
• ISJFs should plan the steps they need to take to avoid making a rushed decision.
• Although ISFJs tend to avoid conflict it is important they give constructive criticism to others when needed.
• Have a high sense of self sufficiency but should try and learn to ask for help when needed.
• Should try not to over commit themselves to others.

INFJ Summary

Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organised and decisive in implementing their vision.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How INFJs Lead

Will lead by encouraging their team to cooperate with each other in order to achieve a certain vision. A caring ethical leader who will expect loyalty and support. They will focus their attention on turning their inspirations into a reality.

How INFJs Influence

Will influence by being creative and dedicated in the way they work.

How INFJs Work with Others

INFJs will take into consideration the needs of others when working in a group or team situation. They are likely to be a good provider of creative ideas and insights. Will encourage others to contribute towards the group.

How INFJs Communicate with Others

Will be open to listening to others problems and are likely to give them a helping hand in finding a solution. May use metaphorical language to put across their ideas. They will have a strong appreciation for honest communication.


INFJ Development Areas

• Can sometimes be stubborn minded making them difficult to work with.
• Try to over analyse irrational situations, when they should rely on their emotions to find a logical explanation.
• Highly confident in their abilities they may on occasion come across as arrogant.
• Dislike rules and restrictions and may clash with those who value stability and safety.
• Likely to become stressed when they achieve results which are less than they desired.

INFJ Development Suggestions

• Should try and be more open to others opinions and suggestions and try and take criticism less negatively.
• INTJs may increase their success when they develop social skills – listen more, show interest and give praise.
• Should incorporate personal analysis when working with others, how may others interpret their actions?
• Should make an effort to try and share their feelings more often.
• Would benefit from delegating tasks.

INTJ Summary

Have original minds and great drive for implementing their ideas and achieving their goals. Quickly see patterns in external events and develop long-range explanatory perspectives. When committed, organise a job and carry it through. Sceptical and independent, have high standards of competence and performance– for themselves and others.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How INTJs Lead

Will lead in a manner which is more task focused than relationship focused. Will often enjoy using systems or models to achieve results. Will expect their workers to be loyal, hard working and focused on their jobs.

How INTJs Influence

Will attempt to influence others by portraying their intellectual depth and strong dedication to a task.

How INTJs Work with Others

When in a team situation will participate but are likely to do so in a reserved manner. Irritated by others who do not complete tasks on time. Will provide others with a new perspective, will schedule tasks for the team and organise information.

How INTJs Communicate with Others

Prefer when communication is direct and honest. Will be open to discuss their opinions and insights but unlikely to discuss personal matters with others.


INTJ Development Areas

• Can sometimes be stubborn minded making them difficult to work with.
• Try to over analyse irrational situations, when they should rely on their emotions to find a logical explanation.
• Highly confident in their abilities they may on occasion come across as arrogant.
• Dislike rules and restrictions and may clash with those who value stability and safety.
• Likely to become stressed when they achieve results which are less than they desired.

INTJ Development Suggestions

• Should try and be more open to others opinions and suggestions and try and take criticism less negatively.
• INTJs may increase their success when they develop social skills – listen more, show interest and give praise.
• Should incorporate personal analysis when working with others, how may others interpret their actions?
• Should make an effort to try and share their feelings more often.
• Would benefit from delegating tasks.

ISTP Summary

Tolerant and flexible, quiet observers until problem appears, then act quickly to find workable solutions. Analyse what makes things work and readily get through large amounts of data to isolate the core of practical problems. Interested in cause and effect, organise facts using logical principles, value efficiency.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ISTPs Lead

When in a leadership role, ISTPs will lead by setting a good example to others. They will promote equality and cooperation within their team and will strive for an environment which is action or results orientated.

How ISTPs Influence

ISTPs will attempt to influence others by having all the information they need to make their point.

How ISTPs Work with Others

ISTPs are likely to motivate other members of their team into action. ISTPs will treat team members fairly and equitably and will solve conflict between others using reason and logic.

How ISTPs Communicate with Others

ISTPs will try and avoid unnecessary communication. Will rely heavily on non-verbal communication. Will provide practical feedback on a task.


ISTP Development Areas

• Tend to be impartial making judgments, meaning they may ignore their own feelings and emotions.
• May be quite difficult to get to know.
• Will often avoid making long-term commitments, preferring to focus on the here and now.
• Colleagues can find ISTPs frustrating, as they may not communicate fully their understanding of a situation.
• May engage in risky activities.
• Would benefit from learning to acknowledge and develop their own emotions.
• May not devote enough time to the planning aspect of a task.

ISTP Development Suggestions

• In group work, ISTPs should ask questions to reinforce their understanding, and to know what is expected.
• Try to complete a task before moving on to another.
• ISTP’s could benefit from taking a more people focused approach and by expressing appreciation more often.
• ISTPs may benefit from acknowledging and developing their own emotions and values. Developing a long-term personal strategy which focuses on the value of relationships rather than the goal could be constructive.
• When making decision ISTPs should try to take into consideration person-centered concerns.

ISFP Summary

Quiet, friendly, sensitive and kind. Enjoy the here-and-now, what’s going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts; do not force their values and opinions on others.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ISFPs Lead

ISFPs will lead by encouraging others to cooperate. Their leadership style is likely to be centered around personal loyalty as a way of motivating their workforce. They are more likely to praise their team than criticise.

How ISFPs Influence

ISFPs will not express themselves and their goals but will instead influence others by helping them reach their ideals.

How ISFPs Work with Others

Will enjoy working with others who are caring, helpful and considerate. When working in a group ISFPs will be highly aware of the underlying morale of the team. ISFPs are likely to provide good practical assistance.

How ISFPs Communicate with Others

ISFPs will communicate in a non threatening way in order to avoid conflict. Will take negative feedback to heart. Will prefer one to one communication.


ISFP Development Areas

• May avoid sharing their thoughts, feelings or their opinions with others.
• May have difficult when faced with particularly large projects.
• ISFPs can be their own harshest critics, placing very high expectation on themselves.
• Quiet and unassuming, their warm and enthusiastic nature may not be apparent to people who aren’t close to them.
• May underestimate themselves and as a result be underestimated by others.

ISFP Development Suggestions

• ISFPs should make an effort to share their thoughts and opinions when in a group setting. It is important for us all to share our opinions, and will give ISFPs a chance for others to get to know them better.
• ISFPs should try and be less harsh on themselves. ISFPs may benefit from making a list of the things they believe they are good at, or tasks/achievements. When faced with a task which they feel they aren’t capable of ISFPs should refer to this list.
• ISFPs should try these 4 simple tips for increasing their assertiveness:
Start Small: ISFPs should try and practice being assertive in only mildly tense situations at first, such as asking to be seated at a different table in a restaurant.
Learn to say no: ISFPs should remember that saying no isn’t selfish. We all need to set limits for ourselves.
Let go of guilt: ISFPs need to learn not to feel guilty about getting your own way.
ISFPS should try hard to express their personal needs and feelings and should avoid assuming others automatically know how they feel.

INFP Summary

Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek to understand people and to help them fulfil their potential. Adaptable, flexible and accepting unless a value is threatened.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How INFPs Lead

Lead by promoting harmony within their team. Will value each member of their team. Are likely to hold the view that power and authority come through superior performance rather than rank.

How INFPs Influence

Will attempt to influence others by highlighting commonly held ideas, and new possibilities.

How INFPs Work with Others

When working with others INFPs will be perceptive to the needs of those around them. Will expect their team members to be sincere. When others do not meet their standards, INFPs are likely to be disappointed. Will often try to inspire others.

How INFPs Communicate with Others

Usually good listeners and will create a trusting environment for others to share their thoughts. Will enjoy hearing about others success. Will be unlikely to disclose details of their personal life.


INFP Development Areas

• Will often take on too much and over stretch themselves.
• May be too focused on what they are doing which can come across to others as unsocial.
• May avoid dealing with current issues and instead just ‘sweep them under the carpet’.
• May be somewhat of a perfectionist and take things too personally.
• Can often struggle to delegate tasks.

INFP Development Suggestions

• INFPs would benefit from accepting imperfections, being more realistic and less idealistic in their life.
• Can often be impractical and should try and pay attention to practical details when possible.
• Should learn to say no to stop them from accepting tasks and ending up overloaded with work.
• Should try and deal with criticism better by attempting to see the value in construction criticism.
• INFPs should delegate tasks suited to others to decrease their workload.

INTP Summary

Seek to develop logical explanations for everything that interests them. Theoretical and abstract, interested more in ideas that social interaction. Quiet, contained, flexible and adaptable. Have unusual ability to focus in-depth to solve problems in their area of interest. Sceptical, sometimes critical, always analytical.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How INTPs Lead

Will be an advantageous leader for a team which is overly rational and cautious. Will lead by convincing others of their logic and value in their ideas. Because of INTPs dislike to control and value in autonomy, they are likely to have a more hands off approach to leadership.

How INTPs Influence

INTPs will influence others by providing them with their in-depth knowledge and analytical skills.

How INTPs Work with Others

When working with others INTPs will usually become the expert of the group. Will dislikes working with people who tend to get off track, are overly sensitive or focus on unimportant issues. Likely to reject the ideas of others, if in their opinion they seem illogical.

How INTPs Communicate with Others

Will prefer to communicate in a straightforward and non repetitive way. Enjoy hearing new ideas, and big picture goals. Will enjoy using flow charts or images to portray their in a ideas.


INTP Development Areas

• May focus too strongly on what they believe is reasonable in life rather than focusing on what they actually want. This can have a negative effect on their growth both professionally and personally.
• Great analysts, can be indecisive choosing between their ideas and may doubt their conclusions.
• May fail to truly consider the impact that their ideas or decisions have on others.
• Can be unyielding, unpersuadable, and defensive when their beliefs or convictions are challenged.

INTP Development Suggestions

• Should try and develop their own personal goals and try and not be restrained by logic and reason.
• Could be more cautious in the delivery of their ideas, more details would ensure audience understanding.
• Should Try and provide more positive feedback to others.
• Can benefit from building a rapport – finding out likes and dislikes, sharing personal information and small talk.
• Should try not to reject those who think differently than they do.

ESTP Summary

Flexible and tolerant, they take a pragmatic approach focused on immediate results. Theories and conceptual explanations bore them – they want to act energetically to solve the problem. Focus on the here and now, spontaneous, enjoy each moment that they can be active with others. Enjoy material comforts and style. Learn best through doing.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ESTPs Lead

Likely to be an assertive leader who delivers information in a clear way. Leads by motivating and inspiring others. Is good at blending together others view points and keeping things moving forward.

How ESTPs Influence

Particularly skilled at influencing others and will also do so by using enthusiasm and a logical argument.

How ESTPs Work with Others

Good at keeping the team moving and getting others to reach a compromise when necessary. Will provide others with an eager attitude. Will prefer to work with people who replicate their enthusiasm.

How ESTPs Communicate with Others

Will communicate with others in a direct and straightforward manner. Will value realistic an applicable information. Often effective negotiators.


ESTP Development Areas

• Likely to get bored and frustrated in situations which involve a great deal of theoretical information.
• Tend to improvise rather than spend time planning which may cause problems later on.
• Can sometimes be overly dramatic.
• Others may find working with ESTPs stressful due to their spur-of-the-moment flexibility and continual excitement.
• May be overly risky

ESTP Development Suggestions

• ‘In the moment’ approaches should be used selectively, they can be interpreted as irresponsible or risky
• Should try and focus more on long term goals rather than just living in the here and now.
• ESTPs should plan ; desired goals, activity breakdown, time frame and potential problems.
• Try to pay more attention to other people’s feelings and needs, and give more positive feedback.

ESFP Summary

Outgoing, friendly and accepting. Exuberant lovers of life, people and material comforts. Enjoy working with others to make things happen. Bring common sense and a realistic approach to their work, and make work fun. Flexible and spontaneous, adapt readily to new people and environments. Learn best by trying a new skill with other people.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ESFPs Lead

Will lead in a manner which promotes goodwill and teamwork. Likely to be viewed as an optimistic, enthusiastic leader who cares for their team.

How ESFPs Influence

Will influence others by displaying their enthusiasm and enjoyment for the task.

How ESFPs Work with Others

Will enjoy working in a group especially when paired with similarly action-orientated and energetic people. Good at encouraging others to contribute in group activities. Great at breaking the ice, getting others inspired and will create a fun and lively environment.

How ESFPs Communicate with Others

Good at communicating with a wide variety of people. Skilled in presenting information, teaching, and will enjoy giving positive feedback. Will speak with energy and excitement.


ESFP Development Areas

• At times may find it difficult to keep their focus on certain tasks.
• ESFPs try to avoid and ignore potential conflicts, which results in them not giving honest feedback.
• May occasionally communicate in an overly friendly ‘fun-filled’ style when participating in serious discussions.
• Can be overly emotional when given negative feedback.
• Crave the excitement of the moment with little care for long term stability or plans, resulting in risk taking.

ESFP Development Suggestions

• ESFPs should remember that honest, not positive, feedback is constructive and important for development.
• Planning before starting a new project is a critical skill, ESFPs desire for action may hinder this.
• When receiving feedback about themselves ESFPs should try and not take it too personally.
• Focus on long term implications of a solution, short term fixes may cause more problems later on.

ENFP Summary

Warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. See life as full of possibilities. Make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the pattern that they see. Want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. Spontaneous, and flexible, often rely on their ability to improvise and their verbal fluency.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ENFPs Lead

Will be a leader who is dedicated to showing others their potential. Often respected and viewed as ethical by their team. Will lead by creating a clear vision.

How ENFPs Influence

Will influence by paying attention to others ideas and incorporating them into a meaningful whole.

How ENFPs Work with Others

Will have a strong desire to be liked by others. Is skilled at making others feel understood, appreciated and part of the team. Good at inspiring others.

How ENFPs Communicate with Others

Will often explain their big picture ideas without unnecessary details. Will fill conversation with a variety of possibilities and alternative ideas. Often communicates in a way which establishes connections with other people.


ENFP Development Areas

• Displays strong emotions often in response to criticisms or when faced with conflict in a group.
• Can often over think things and get stressed quite easily.
• May find it difficult to focus on one project, becoming bored before it has got off the ground.
• May need to develop their time management or organizational skills.
• May use logic and rationale to blame others for their problems.

ENFP Development Suggestions

• May benefit from physical activity to switch off and prevent ‘information overload’ and burning out.
• ENFPs should not always be persuaded by, or rely on, the needs, feedback and approval of others.
• Being more methodical and systematic in everyday life will prevent distractions of less important ideas.
• ENFPs should try to create a better work/life balance, and have ‘me’ time outside of work.

ENTP Summary

Quick, ingenious, stimulating, alert and outspoken. Resourceful in solving new and challenging problems. Adept at generating conceptual possibilities and then analysing them strategically. Good at reading other people. Bored by routine, will seldom do the same thing the same way, apt to turn to one new interest after another.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ENTPs Lead

Will lead by creating exciting new strategies. Will be a leader who inspires others with their imagination and enthusiasm. Will expect to be obeyed by their team.

How ENTPs Influence

ENTPs will influence by going the extra mile.

How ENTPs Work with Others

Will encourage team members to work beyond their specified roles. Will provide humour, fun and energy to the group. Will use logic to deal with conflicts within the group.

How ENTPs Communicate with Others

Communicate in a quick witted manner. Great public speakers. Enjoy having interesting and exciting new visions.


ENTP Development Areas

• May sometimes argue or debate for fun. To others this can come across as antagonistic.
• May neglect or avoid routine/day to day activities.
• Can sometimes ignore or dismiss the input of others.
• Can appear harsh or hostile if challenged by peers.
• May find themselves in difficult situation by jumping into projects too quickly.

ENTP Development Suggestions

• Softening communication styles, listening more and debating less, will stop others perceiving them as impersonal and distant.
• Consider the impact of a solution on others, use this in their analysis before making a decision.
• When working in a group ENTPs should make a point of listening to others and hearing what they have to say.
• ENTPs should try not to overestimate what they can do, everyone has constraints.

ESTJ Summary

Practical, realistic, matte of fact. Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organise projects and people to get things done; focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. Take care of routine details. Have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also. Forceful in implementing their plans.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ESTJs Lead

Good at enforcing an organisations rules and policies. Is a leader who will plan, assign their team specific tasks and provide good direction.

How ESTJs Influence

Will attempt to influence others by modeling the standards which others expect from them.

How ESTJs Work with Others

Skilled at encouraging other team members to do their best. Will often take responsibility of the group and expect others to meet their deadlines.

How ESTJs Communicate with Others

Will talk to others in a clear and honest way. Likely to limit their small talk and prefer talking about logical and detailed information. Will prefer talking in person than through emails.


ESTJ Development Areas

• Can sometimes appear critical if others do not live up to their high standards.
• Because ESTJs are highly task orientated they may sometimes overlook the needs of others.
• Naturally adopt a leadership role, which may come across as controlling.
• Will focus on ‘tried and tested’ techniques where an unconventional route may be more effective.
• May find it difficult to express their emotions.

ESTJ Development Suggestions

• In a team, ESTJs may benefit from making more of an effort to develop rapport with others.
• Should try and let their peers lead rather than always taking up the leadership role within a group.
• Should try and provide more positive feedback and praise to others.
• May need to develop an acceptance for new ideas and change as these can often improve efficiency.
• ENTJs may focus too strongly on what is expected, they should relax through a hobby or sport.

ESFJ Summary

Warm hearted, conscientious and cooperative. Want harmony in their environment; work with determination to establish it. Likes to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time. Loyal, follow through even in small matters. Notice what others need in their day-to-day lives and try to provide it. Wants to be appreciated for who they are and for what they contribute.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ESFJs Lead

Are leaders who will keep their team well informed of the business activities. Good at encouraging others to participate and will expect their team to complete tasks on time.

How ESFJs Influence

Will influence others by showing their hardworking nature and high level of conscientiousness.

How ESFJs Work with Others

Will bring a systematic and practical approach for the team to follow. Will show an active interest in the lives of their team members. Expect others to contribute to the group.

How ESFJs Communicate with Others

May use personal experiences as a means of communicating. Likely to be persuaded by personal, emotional information. Will open communication by highlighting areas of agreement.


ESFJ Development Areas

• May be overly concerned with the approval of others.
• Become highly defensive if criticized by someone, particularly if it is someone close to them.
• May reject opinions which do not agree with their own.
• They may feel responsible for completing a task, and, as a result may take on additional work.
• Often worry too much about what others view as acceptable. As a result they may be overly cautious and unwilling to step out of their comfort zone to get a job done.

ESFJ Development Suggestions

• Should realistically evaluate their workload to ensure that they do not take on too much.
• ESFJs should learn how to deal with criticism; what part of criticism is useful for personal development?
Write down useful points, and use them as goals for improvement.
• Should try and develop a ‘live and let live’ attitude, where they care less about others opinions.
• Would benefit from going outside their comfort zone when there are potential benefits for doing so.

ENFJ Summary

Warm, empathetic, responsive and responsible. Highly attuned to the emotions, needs and motivations of others. Find potential in everyone, wants to help others fulfill their potential. May act as catalysts for individual and group growth. Loyal, responsive to praise and criticism. Sociable, facilitate others in a group, and provide inspiring leadership.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ENFJs Lead

Will lead by helping others plan their targets in a supportive and encouraging manner. Will pride themselves on knowing their workers at a personal level and will strive for harmony and cooperation between their team.

How ENFJs Influence

Influences others by highlighting the processes which can be used to reach a goal.

How ENFJs Work with Others

Will listen carefully and consider all team members opinions. Strives for harmonious team and will provide encouragement and support for others. Often good at bringing out the best in people.

How ENFJs Communicate with Others

Are likely to give positive praise and feedback to others. Often great public speakers and can connect with their audience on an emotional level. Will successfully explain difficult concept in an easy to understand way.


ENFJ Development Areas

• ENFJs may overly selfless, donating their time to others, and neglecting their own needs.
• ENFJs may be overly avoidant of conflict, which can be difficult within a competitive environment.
• Can sometimes spend too much time communicating rather than acting.
• May be overly sensitive. ENFJs may be easily upset or disappointed by others.
• ENFJs are highly altruistic, they find it difficult to make decisions where ‘win-win’ is not an achievable outcome.

ENFJ Development Suggestions

• Others may not have the same devotion they do, and may not complete their commitments.
• ENFJs should set themselves clear priorities and personal goals, and should stick to these regardless of the needs of others.
• Should try to let go their need to constantly control things.
• Make a point of addressing disagreeable facts, even if it results in dealing with confrontation.
• Should allow others to make their own decisions to give others a chance to learn from their mistakes.

ENTJ Summary

Frank, decisive, assumes leadership readily. Quickly sees illogical and inefficient procedures and policies, develop and implement comprehensive systems to solve organisational problems. Enjoy long term planning and goal setting. Usually well informed, well read; enjoy expanding their knowledge and passing it on to others. Forceful in presenting their ideas.

How You Lead, Influence, Communicate and Work with Others.

How ENTJs Lead

Not afraid to take risks or make decisions others might not agree with. Will expect to be followed by others and not questioned. Will manage others in a direct and upfront manner.

How ENTJs Influence

Will seek to influence others by analysing potential ideas and setting realistic goals to achieve these.

How ENTJs Work with Others

Desire to work with like minded skilled and dedicated individuals. Will want others to complete tasks immediately. Often frustrated when resources are wasted on things which do not help to reach the end.

How ENTJs Communicate with Others

Speak quickly with passion and commitment. Will enjoy openly debating the pros and cons of potential decisions. Will speak in a way which asserts their position of control.


ENTJ Development Areas

• May be overly confident in areas of work that they may have little experience in.
• Can come across to others as stubborn or domineering as they often seek to win every debate.
• May look down on others who are less concerned about making their point or arguing their corner.
• As ENTJs are highly rational they are not always efficient in understanding others emotions.
• May lose patience with others who take longer to reach a decision than they do.

ENTJ Development Suggestions

• Should try and make a conscious effort to consider how others might be feeling.
• If an ENTJ is not in a position of authority it is important that they allow those who are to make the decisions.
• Should take a step back and ensuring they have all the information before making a decision.
• Should try and actively listen by ensuring that they hear and understand others opinions.
• Make a point of giving praise and showing appreciation for others achievements however small.