Contact Us

If you need help setting up an assessment on our test site please refer to the administration manual or video tutorials for MTQ, ILM72 and Carrus.

You may also find a quicker response by taking a look through our FAQ’s below!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does delivery take?

We aim to deliver to the United Kingdom in 1 to 2 working days.

We aim to deliver to Europe in 3 to 5 working days.

We aim to deliver to the rest of the world in 5 to 7 working days.

How much does delivery cost?

We deliver personality type card sort exercises (lower price) and books (higher price).

UK and Ireland: £2/4

European Union: £4/8

Rest of the World: £6/12

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship worldwide. However, delivery prices will vary. 

What is involved with bureau service?

Bureau service involves AQR handling all of the administration of the tests. We will need to know the email addresses of your candidates, the start/end date of the assessment, which reports you want to generate and if we should send the tests to yourself or your candidate.

How long does the Licensed User Training take?

The MTQ LUT takes approximately 8 hours.

The ILM72 LUT takes approximately 3 hours.

How long does a license last?

There is no expiration on our license.

Is there an annual fee as a licensed user?

Just a one time fee to be a licensed user. You can find these here - 

Does BPS accreditation qualify me to use your assessments?

Unfortunately, it does not. BPS training gives you a good background but you would still need the licensed user training to understand the mental toughness framework and interpretation.

Do you offer face to face training?

Yes. We offer open licensed user training workshops around the world for our assessments, as well as going into organisations to train multiple staff. We also offer CPD workshops. Have a look at our events calendar on our website or contact us to arrange training.

How do I get to the test website?

Our test website is seperate to this one. You can access it at

Are your assessments reliable and valid?

Yes, our psychometrics are all valid and reliable measures. All exceed the minimum acceptable levels.

What languages are your assessments in?

MTQ48 - English, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Czech, Arabic, Welsh, Danish, Romanian, Persian, Chinese and Spanish.

MTQPlus - English, French, Arabic, Korean, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Chinese and Russian.

ILM72 - English, Dutch, Polish, Czech and Arabic.

Carrus - English.

How long will it take to receive my reports after completing an assessment?

This is dependent upon administrator settings. If your administrator has chosen for you to receive your reports automatically then you will receive your reports immediately once you have completed online. Please contact your administrator for more information. If you have completed a paper and pencil version it may take considerably longer.

Are there norm groups? And if so, what are they?

Yes. Global norms are used for all our psychometric assessments. We also have some regional norms available for the MTQ48.

When is a 'meter' deducted from my account?

A meter is deducted from your account once a report has been generated (either automatically or manually). If reports aren’t generated automatically, the meter will not be deducted until the report is manually generated.

What is the research behind your assessments?

There are now circa 80 peer-reviewed academic papers which support the mental toughness concept. It is estimated that 75% of all research around the world on mental toughness is now focused on the 4Cs model. We take great pride in evidence-based practice and supporting our high-quality assessments.

Do you recommend any books related to your assessments?

Yes! You can find all the books listed below in our online shop.

MTQ - Developing Mental Toughness, Developing Mental Toughness in Young People, Developing Resilient Organizations and Developing Employability and Enterprise, Leadership in Coaching and Psychometrics in Coaching.

ILM72 - Leadership in Coaching and Psychometrics in Coaching.

Carrus - Developing Employability and Enterprise and Psychometrics in Coaching.


Can you help me understand the results of my assessment?

Yes, contact us at if you would like assistance.

Are there any development resources?

Yes. We have the Mental Toughness development toolkit, the grow workbook and numerous books. Check them out in our shop.

Can I purchase the toolkit without being licensed user trained?

Yes. However, to get the most out of it we would urge you to complete the licensed user training to truly understand the mental toughness concept. 

Who is my local representative?

We have partners all over the world, you can find them on our partner page -

Is AQR GDPR compliant?

Yes, AQR and our assessments are fully GDPR compliant. Find out more information at

How long does delivery take?

We aim to deliver to the United Kingdom in 1 to 2 working days.

We aim to deliver to Europe in 3 to 5 working days.

We aim to deliver to the rest of the world in 5 to 7 working days.

How much does delivery cost?

We deliver personality type card sort exercises (lower price) and books (higher price).

UK and Ireland: £2/4

European Union: £4/8

Rest of the World: £6/12

Which countries do you ship to?

We ship worldwide. However, delivery prices will vary. 

What is involved with bureau service?

Bureau service involves AQR handling all of the administration of the tests. We will need to know the email addresses of your candidates, the start/end date of the assessment, which reports you want to generate and if we should send the tests to yourself or your candidate.

How long does the Licensed User Training take?

The MTQ LUT takes approximately 8 hours.

The ILM72 LUT takes approximately 3 hours.

How long does a license last?

There is no expiration on our license.

Is there an annual fee as a licensed user?

Just a one time fee to be a licensed user. You can find these here - 

Does BPS accreditation qualify me to use your assessments?

Unfortunately, it does not. BPS training gives you a good background but you would still need the licensed user training to understand the mental toughness framework and interpretation.

Do you offer face to face training?

Yes. We offer open licensed user training workshops around the world for our assessments, as well as going into organisations to train multiple staff. We also offer CPD workshops. Have a look at our events calendar on our website or contact us to arrange training.

How do I get to the test website?

Our test website is seperate to this one. You can access it at

Are your assessments reliable and valid?

Yes, our psychometrics are all valid and reliable measures. All exceed the minimum acceptable levels.

What languages are your assessments in?

MTQ48 - English, French, German, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Czech, Arabic, Welsh, Danish, Romanian, Persian, Chinese and Spanish.

MTQPlus - English, French, Arabic, Korean, Hungarian, Romanian, Polish, Chinese and Russian.

ILM72 - English, Dutch, Polish, Czech and Arabic.

Carrus - English.

How long will it take to receive my reports after completing an assessment?

This is dependent upon administrator settings. If your administrator has chosen for you to receive your reports automatically then you will receive your reports immediately once you have completed online. Please contact your administrator for more information. If you have completed a paper and pencil version it may take considerably longer.

Are there norm groups? And if so, what are they?

Yes. Global norms are used for all our psychometric assessments. We also have some regional norms available for the MTQ48.

When is a 'meter' deducted from my account?

A meter is deducted from your account once a report has been generated (either automatically or manually). If reports aren’t generated automatically, the meter will not be deducted until the report is manually generated.

What is the research behind your assessments?

There are now circa 80 peer-reviewed academic papers which support the mental toughness concept. It is estimated that 75% of all research around the world on mental toughness is now focused on the 4Cs model. We take great pride in evidence-based practice and supporting our high-quality assessments.

Do you recommend any books related to your assessments?

Yes! You can find all the books listed below in our online shop.

MTQ - Developing Mental Toughness, Developing Mental Toughness in Young People, Developing Resilient Organizations and Developing Employability and Enterprise, Leadership in Coaching and Psychometrics in Coaching.

ILM72 - Leadership in Coaching and Psychometrics in Coaching.

Carrus - Developing Employability and Enterprise and Psychometrics in Coaching.


Can you help me understand the results of my assessment?

Yes, contact us at if you would like assistance.

Are there any development resources?

Yes. We have the Mental Toughness development toolkit, the grow workbook and numerous books. Check them out in our shop.

Can I purchase the toolkit without being licensed user trained?

Yes. However, to get the most out of it we would urge you to complete the licensed user training to truly understand the mental toughness concept. 

Who is my local representative?

We have partners all over the world, you can find them on our partner page -

Is AQR GDPR compliant?

Yes, AQR and our assessments are fully GDPR compliant. Find out more information at

Get in Touch.

We aim to respond to any help requests or inquires as soon as possible. For a quicker response you can call us between 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday.

The Meadows, Church Rd, Dodleston, Chester, CH49NG

+44 1244 572050

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