
Professor Peter Clough | Head of Psychology | Huddersfield University

Professor Peter Clough really needs little introduction. Whilst at the University of Hull, Peter initiated a programme of work which led to the development of the 4Cs concept for Mental Toughness – published in 2002 and now comfortably the most widely adopted description of Mental Toughness globally.

Since that time, he has collaborated with researchers all over the world to examine the concept further and to identify links to important aspects of work and life – his name appears on around 50 peer reviewed papers.

By inclination an applied psychologist, his work has always focused on real world issues. In recent times, together with long term collaborator Doug Strycharczyk and Dr John Perry, Peter has been instrumental in taking the Mental Toughness concept to the next level.

In his sessions, Peter will describe that journey, its outcomes and how the concept is making a significant difference to the development of people and organisations.

Session Outline 

The Mental Toughness concept has applications in many areas – wellbeing, aspirations, agility, etc. However, the most consistent interest from clients is around performance (which is inseparable from the other applications).  The focus is on being the best you, that you can be.

Peter will draw on his deep interest in this area and his experience in sport, education and the occupational world to illustrate how understanding Mental Toughness is fundamentally important in all types of achievement – whether these are individuals, groups or organisations.

Morning Session Title – The Mental Toughness Story: its origins, the journey and where we are now

Afternoon Session Title – Mental Toughness and Performance. Why it matters?