We are very pleased to announce that more than two years of research and development has enabled us take the Mental Toughness concept to the next level came to a successful conclusion this month.

This means that the MTQ48 framework will emerge as an 8 factor MTQ framework enabling users to dig deeper into understanding “how we think” and probably with greater reliability.

This has been led by Doug Strycharczyk who has been supported by an elite team led by Prof Peter Clough (Now Huddersfield University) and Dr John Perry (Hull University).

The MTQPlus is a significant development from MTQ48. However, MTQ48 will continue to be offered and indeed there are now around 100 peer reviewed research papers which attest to its strength.

The key developments are:

  • There are now two subscales for the Commitment scale – Goal Orientation and Achievement Orientation.
  • There are now two subscales for the Challenge scale – Risk Orientation (Stretching oneself) and Learning Orientation.
  • The Emotional Control scale has new items which have improved its reliability and introduce a slightly better understanding of this scale.

We will shortly be updating the technical manual. We’ll notify everyone when its available.

The formal launch of the new fully featured MTQPlus product will be in January 2018. However from now until the end of the year we are offering all our customers the option to trial a beta version of MTQPlus which includes new reports for the same price as MTQ48.