A RAK or Random Act of Kindness is something nice that you do for someone else that you would not normally do and that that the other person might not be expecting.
Carrying out planned Random Acts of Kindness or RAKs is an exercise rooted in Positive Psychology.
The neuroscience and social science research links kindness to changes the brain but it is experiential and is best learned by feeling it so it can be reproduced. You can’t learn kindness by thinking and talking about it you have to go out there and do something to feel it.
But it is equally importantly to reflect on the experience, the receivers response and how it made the the giver of the RAK feel. This is how it develops positive mindset and behaviours.
Because of the strong link between mental toughness and positive psychology the RAK exercise also works well in developing elements of mental toughness.
It gives people a strong sense they’re doing something that matters and heightens their sense of Control.
Also the RAKs have to be organised and delivered – enhancing Commitment and, because the RAK is usually directed towards a person, it helps in developing interpersonal relationships (Confidence).
For more information on mental toughness and development techniques contact us