For those who wonder what evidence really means when we talk about a concept and /or a measure, this extract from a report from ResearchGate is useful.

AQR International works closely with the academic world where the peer review process can be a powerful test for the reliability of your offering. Peer review means that experts from unconnected institutions review your proposal and the evidence behind it – in detail -and assess it for its reliability and validity. By any standards, it is a tough test.

There are now circa 250 papers that have gone through this rigorous process and been published in leading journals. Not many can come near this.

Almost all research on mental toughness is independent of AQR International. Recently some of the more important papers have involved Doug Strycharczyk.

One paper established the multi-dimensionality of the MTQ48 measure – the six-factor version of the 4Cs model (the MTQPlus 8-factor paper will be published shortly).

The report shows that since July 2021, in only two years:

We are comfortable knowing that there is a strong interest in the global academic community. We see that in enquiries to our office from academia, government departments and ministries as well as practitioners – coaches, consultants, trainers and managers. These all want to know, “Does what you offer really work?”.

It is important to us that what we offer is solid and that it is not a fad or an idea that is well past its use-by date. This should be just as important for every practitioner.

Real evidence is not endorsements from clients or friends or “I did this, and this is what they said”. It is cold hard scrutiny of lots of data by those who are knowledgeable and critical.

It can be a challenge “competing” against other products which are frankly more style than substance. We will stick with substance. Its more enduring.

For information about becoming a licensed user of the MTQ measures contact:

The MTQPlus measure is available in fourteen languages.

Completion of the Licensed User Training program is recognised by EMCC and ICF for CPD purposes.