Apr 22, 2021 | Busting Myths about Mental Toughness, Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness
These two phrases are often used interchangeably – especially in the press but also by people development professionals. However, we, at AQR international, tend to be careful about how we describe Mental Toughness for some important reasons. Firstly, the opposite of...
Sep 22, 2020 | Busting Myths about Mental Toughness, Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness, Peter Clough
Social Media is plagued with posts that promise “X tips to grow your Mental Toughness” or “Y ways to become resilient”. Apart from the fact that many of these so-called tips are huge over-simplifications, there seems to be an assumption that being Mentally Tough or...
Sep 11, 2020 | Busting Myths about Mental Toughness, Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness, Peter Clough
When talking about the Mental Toughness concept, one of the most often asked questions is about its relationship with performance or attainment. And even when this is explained, this is often misunderstood. Generally, research and case studies show that there is a...