Oct 8, 2024 | Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness
The Mental Toughness concept is becoming a key element for employability. We are now said to live in a VUCA world – Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. Although that is not really so new – that’s been largely true of times past too. What is different...
Sep 5, 2024 | Doug Strycharczyk, Leadership, Poland, Psychometrics, Wojtek Grad
Psychological safety is crucial for a healthy and effective work environment. Where employees feel safe, they can share ideas, report mistakes, and take innovative approaches without fear of negative consequences. The Integrated Leadership Model (ILM72) provides a...
May 29, 2024 | Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness
Trust is a topic that matters. A lack of trust is a major impediment to most leadership, teamwork and development activities. If I can’t be trusted, I am shot as a leader. If others do follow me, they likely do so for all the wrong reasons, and it doesn’t...
May 21, 2024 | Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness
Resilience and Positivity or Optimism come together in the Mental Toughness concept. The terms Resilience and Mental Toughness are often confused which means that desired outcomes such as thriving can be targeted but not achieved. There is a difference, and it is...
May 14, 2024 | Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness
Why Psychological Safety Matters Psychological Safety has gained attention in the workplace for good reasons. It matters. It impacts everything from the bottom line to staff wellbeing and aspirations. Psychological safety matters because: Team members feel more...
Apr 29, 2024 | Doug Strycharczyk, Mental Toughness
Why Directed Forgetting matters for creating resilient and optimistic people and organisations All of us come across events and situations which we see result in setbacks or failure. In extreme cases, some can be catastrophic – such as a business failure, making a...