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Free Webinar – Introducing MTQPlus – Australia

Australia , Australia The next level of mental toughness: Mental Toughness is an aspect of our personality which determines how we deal with stress, pressure and challenge and how we can see change as an opportunity to grow and to develop. A major research and development project, based on practice over the past 15 years, led by […]

Free Webinar – Introducing MTQPlus – United Kingdom

United Kingdom , United Kingdom The next level of mental toughness: Mental Toughness is an aspect of our personality which determines how we deal with stress, pressure and challenge and how we can see change as an opportunity to grow and to develop. A major research and development project, based on practice over the past 15 years, led by […]

Event Series Warsztaty Licencyjne MTQ48

Warsztaty Licencyjne MTQ48

HOTEL IBIS Krakow ul. Pawia 15, Kraków, Poland

MTQ48 jest pierwszym uznanym na świecie narzędziem do mierzenia Odporności Psychicznej. Narzędzie to jest rzetelne i wiarygodne poparte licznymi badaniami uniwersyteckimi. MTQ48 jest łatwe i szybkie w obsłudze. Narzędzie ma zastosowanie w rozwoju indywidualnym & grupowym, rekrutacji & coachingu. Stosowanie narzędzia umożliwia szybkie zbadanie czterech kluczowych kompetencji wpływających na sukces projektów zmiany, procesu coachingu, pracy […]

Business Wales – “Introduction to Mental Toughness” Workshop | Cyflwyniad I Gweithdy “Gwydnwch Meddwl”

Wrexham Enterprise Hub Wrexham Enterprise Hub, Wrexham, United Kingdom

This 3-hour workshop will provide delegates with the opportunity to learn about Mental Toughness and how it can improve performance, wellbeing and productivity in the workplace. The aims of the session are to: Gain an understanding of the Mental Toughness model Find out about the 4 components that make up Mental Toughness Learn why Mental […]

Odporność psychiczna w sporcie – warsztat licencyjny MTQ48 SPORT

Warszawa , Poland

Badania wskazują, że siła i odporność psychiczna wpływa na 25% różnicy w wydajności pomiędzy różnymi osobami, w dużej mierze odpowiada za samopoczucie i nastawienie do zadań. Poziom OP, który mierzymy testem MTQ48 Sport jest być może najważniejszą różnicą indywidualną mającą wpływ na związek między czynnikami stresogennymi a tym, jak dany sportowiec radzi sobie ze stresem, […]

WEBINAR: Mental toughness and its importance

Wrexham , United Kingdom

Running as part of The Institute of Leadership & Management's webinar programme. Our CEO Doug Strycharczyk will be speaking about mental toughness and its importance Join Doug on this webinar and learn: What is the mental toughness concept and how recent developments have enhanced this? The applications and what this means for the world of […]

What is Mental Toughness?

Coachowisko Kawęczyńska 36, Warszawa, Poland

Cambria For Business are teaming up with the renowned AQR International to give you a insight into the 4 C’s of mental toughness. This 2-hour seminar will provide delegates the opportunity to learn about Mental Toughness and how it can improve performance, wellbeing and agility in the workplace. The aims of the session are to: […]


Castle Park Castle Park, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster, United Kingdom

Doncaster Council, in partnership with AQR International, is running a half day conference introducing the Mental Toughness concept, how we assess it and how to develop it in young people. We are inviting you to join an exciting pilot project to develop a Mental Toughness and Resilience toolkit with year 6 and 7 pupils. This will be […]


Castle Park Castle Park, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster, United Kingdom

Doncaster Council, in partnership with AQR International, is running a half day conference introducing the Mental Toughness concept, how we assess it and how to develop it in young people. We are inviting you to join an exciting pilot project to develop a Mental Toughness and Resilience toolkit with year 6 and 7 pupils. This will be […]